The eternal sail
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For a million years, The Ganges has been nurturing trillions of life in its banks. The natural and spiritual worlds are emulsified in every drop of her. In the Ganges, life begins, sustains, and returns to its mother in a mythical way. The soul absorbed of sin blessed by the goddess Ganga, ensure a safe passage to the next existence, the channel of an endless cycle.
Varanasi, the holiest city on the banks of the holiest river, the Ganges. Life and death are inextricably intertwined in this cremation city. Standing on one of the Ghats of Varanasi, I have witnessed the most surreal sunrise of my life. The fog and stranded water stimulated an endless frame in my viewfinder making the sun the far destiny. The soft light of the morning sun penetrating through the thick fog giving it a magical tone.
The boat, the Soul, sailing through the eternal circle of life destining Salvation.

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