Zaurkhan – the last of the departed
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Biram helped me carry my baggage to the nearest road. We walked slowly along the plains, and when I looked back I could see Zaurkan standing on the mound; a lone figure, all that remained of an old fortress wall…
I didn’t look back anymore. I wanted to remember him that way. And I want him to appear that way, like the last proud fragment of the past, to others when they read the book about him that I will most certainly write. – The last of the Departed by Barghat Shinkuba
“The Last of the Departed” by Bagrat Shinkuba is a novel about the extinction of Ubykh people. Zaurkhan, the last Ubykh was tortured with the thought, “Could it have been otherwise?” And that is also haunting the author Bagrat Shinkuba. He then finds the answer in the Abkhasian proverb, “He who loses his country loses all”.

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